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通过声明未成年人, you’ll have the opportunity to pursue interests that might lie outside of your major. Gaining extra knowledge in an area that interests you can also help you in your future career! Not only will your skills and knowledge be more well-rounded, but you’ll also prove to future employers that you’re willing to work hard and exceed their expectations.


  • 哲学小
  • 18个单位
  • CPHI 101: Introduction to Philosophy
  • 3

This course will explore the study and practice of rational inquiry into fundamental questions about human wisdom, action, and creativity through the study of the traditions of Western philosophy through classic texts. Co-requisite: CMTH 101; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take CPHI 101 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • CPHI 200: Introduction to Philosophical Inquiry
  • 3

Examines topics related to the enduring question "What does it mean to be human?" through the lens of selected medieval and modern philosophers. Special attention will be given to argument analysis, evaluation, and construction. Topics may include the nature of body and soul, 自由意志, 个人身份, 道德和智力美德, 诸如此类. Co-requisite: CTHL 200; permission from 学术顾问 is needed to take CPHI 200 作为一个无关联的课程.

  • Choose four of the following courses
  • PHI 211:哲学伦理学
  • 3

This introductory course to philosophy through the examination of major traditions of ethical reflection in the history of philosophy such as Socrates, 柏拉图, 亚里士多德, 康德, 和机.

  • PHI 433:宗教哲学
  • 3

This introductory course to the issues of the philosophy of religion including epistemological method, the classical proofs 为 God's existence, 决定论, 自由意志, 宗教体验, 信仰与理性, 还有邪恶的问题. Prerequisites: (CTHL 101 or CTHL 200) and (CPHI 101 or CPHI 200) 或者导师的同意.

  • PHI 439:分析哲学
  • 3

This course will introduce contemporary Western philosophy including 19th century background, the “early” and “later” Wittgenstein, G.E. 摩尔,B. Russell, and the “ordinary language” movement. References to Christian respondents to the practitioners of this style of philosophy will also be examined. 先决条件: CPHI 101 or CPHI 200 or PHI 211.

  • PHI 467: Bioethics and Healthcare Professions
  • 3

This course will examine the ethical issues raised by modern advances in health care and biological research. Attention will be given to the language of bioethics, important philosophical and theological approaches, 以及社会文化影响. Special foci may include clinical nursing ethics, business ethics in a healthcare context, 或者其他合适的话题. 先决条件: CTHL 101 or CTHL 200 or THL 202 or NTHL 101 or NTHL 202.

  • PHI 491:专题
  • 3

This seminar course will focus on philosophical topics which will vary with each offering.

  • SCI 455: History and Philosophy of Science
  • 3

This course will introduce the philosophic nature of science with a literary review of philosophic issues associated with the epistemological and historical development of science starting with ancient Greece through today. 交叉列出 HST 455. 先决条件: CBIO 101 或者导师的同意. Typically offered every spring semester.

  • THL 430:基督教护教学
  • 3

The relationship of the Christian faith to the major philosophies and ideologies that conflict with Christianity will be evaluated from the 2nd century to the present in this course. 先决条件: Junior or senior standing 或者导师的同意.

  • THL 465:基督徒与伦理学
  • 3

Through an exploration of morality and ethics in light of what Scripture teaches, this course will orient students to the main approaches, both traditional and contemporary, of non-biblical philosophical ethics as they learn how the Christian faith interacts with these approaches. The significance of the Lutheran confessional distinction between God's left and right hand rule will also be explored. Student research and presentations on contemporary ethical issues are usually included. 先决条件:CTHL 101 or CTHL 200) and junior standing, 或者导师的同意.

当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses 为 this minor and may not be the requirements 为 the catalog year you are following to complete your minor. 请参阅 学术目录 为 official requirements you must meet to qualify.


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